############################## # TileMap Parameter Settings # ############################## ############################## # Step O: Working Directory # ############################## O.1-[Working directory] = C:\Projects\research_harvard\affy_project\analysis\tiling_paper\ O.2-[Project Title] = cMycA_tile ############################## # Step I: Probe Summary # ############################## I.1-[Compute probe level test-statistics?] (1:yes; 0:no) = 0 I.2-[Raw data file] = cMycA_tile_I_f_pb.sum I.3-[Range of test-statistics] (0: default; 1: [0,1], 2: (-inf, +inf)) = 1 I.4-[Zero cut] = 1e-4 ############################## # Step II: Repeat Filtering # ############################## II.1-[Apply local repeat filter?] (0:No; 1:Yes) = 0 II.2-[*.refmask file] = P1_CHIP_A.Anti-Sense.hs.NCBIv33.sary.bpmap.refmask ############################## # Step III: Region Summary # ############################## III.1-[Combine neighboring probes?] (0:No; 1:Yes) = 1 III.2-[Method to combine neighboring probes] (0:HMM, 1:MA) = 1 ############################## # Step IV: HMM # ############################## IV.1-[Posterior probability >] = 0.5 IV.2-[Maximal gap allowed] = 1000 IV.3-[Method to set HMM parameters] (0:UMS, 1:Set by users) = 0 IV.4-[Provide your own selection statistics?] (0: No, use default; 1: Yes) = 0 IV.5-[If Yes to IV.4, selection statistics file] = cMycA_tile_I_f.pbsum IV.6-[G0 Selection Criteria, p%] = 0.01 IV.7-[G1 Selection Criteria, q%] = 0.05 IV.8-[Selection Offset] = 1 IV.9-[Grid Size] = 1000 IV.10-[Expected hybridization length] = 28 IV.11-[Path to transition probability matrix] = cMycA_tile_transp.txt IV.12-[Path to emission probability matrix] = cMycA_tile_emissp.txt ############################## # Step V: Moving Average # ############################## V.1-[Local FDR <] = 0.5 V.2-[Maximal gap allowed] = 500 V.3-[W] = 5 V.4-[Method to compute local FDR] (0:UMS; 1:Permutation Test) = 0 V.5-[Provide your own selection statistics?] (0: No, use default; 1: Yes) = 0 V.6-[If Yes to IV.4, selection statistics file] = cMycA_tile_I_f.pbsum V.7-[G0 Selection Criteria, p%] = 0.01 V.8-[G1 Selection Criteria, q%] = 0.05 V.9-[Selection Offset] = 6 V.10-[Grid Size] = 1000